Use in education and training

  1. Why screen Gaslit in your education or training sessions?
  2. What kinds of training sessions could Gaslit be part of?
  3. How to purchase a licence and receive a copy of the film

Why screen Gaslit in your education or training sessions?

Gaslit explores many of the systemic barriers faced by people with disability, and by women with disability in particular.

It looks at the interactions between reduced access to physical space, fewer employment opportunities, lack of essential services, and the cultural biases and assumptions that women with disability are regularly confronted with.

The film also takes a look at discrimination in health and welfare services, reproductive rights, family and romantic relationships, and some of the factors that place people with disability at greater risk of poverty, loss of autonomy, and physical and sexual violence.

The subject matter is covered quickly and impactfully, making it an excellent introduction to the issues raised in any number of educational settings.

What kinds of training sessions could Gaslit be part of?

Gaslit covers a range of topics that are relevant to:

  • disability studies in university or college settings
  • violence prevention services
  • healthcare providers
  • disability advocacy
  • public servants
  • employment services
  • disability service providers / support workers
  • social workers
  • staff or volunteers answering support lines

How to purchase a licence and receive a copy of the film

Licences for use of Gaslit in education and training settings can be purchased here, or at the link below. The licence grants permission to screen the film in as many sessions as you need and does not need to be renewed.

Once you have purchased the appropriate licence, you will be sent a link to download 3 x HD versions of the film:

  • Gaslit – HD – Captioned
  • Gaslit – HD – Captioned and Audio Described
  • Gaslit – HD – Captioned – 29.97 fps 

If you need the film in a different format, or you would like to preview the film in a low-res format, please use the contact form here. We will do our best to sort out what you need.

Prices are based on the type of organisation purchasing the license:

Non-Profit organisations$150 AUD
Educational institutions (Universities/Colleges)$165 AUD
Government department/ Public Services$175 AUD
For Profit Businesses including Service Providers$200 AUD